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  • An important factor affecting the thermal insulation of aerated concrete equipment
    As for the thermal insulation performance of aerated concrete equipment, if air conditioning is installed indoors in summer, the wall faces unstable heat transfer, indoor thermal insulation and thermal insulation need to be considered separately. At this time, the main indexes affecting thermal insulation are temperature conductivity and surface heat storage coefficient.
    An important factor affecting the thermal insulation of aerated concrete equipment is the surface heat storage coefficient. The surface heat storage coefficient of aerated concrete block is 1.65-2.37, while that of clay masonry is 8.3 and that of ordinary concrete is 12.85, which is much higher than that of aerated concrete block. The small surface heat storage coefficient of aerated concrete block indicates that the layer has poor resistance to temperature fluctuation, that is, the external surface temperature of aerated concrete equipment products is relatively high under the same outdoor conditions; Similarly, the inner surface temperature is also vulnerable to indoor temperature fluctuations, and the thermal stability of the surface layer is poor. The thermal conductivity of aerated concrete equipment products is very small. It has a strong ability to prevent the transmission of heat flow and temperature wave. The heat flow through the aerated concrete maintenance structure is small, the attenuation multiple is large, and the delay time is long.
    Compared with traditional materials, the average temperature and fluctuation temperature of the inner surface of aerated concrete are small under the condition of the same thickness. Another index affecting the wall insulation performance of aerated concrete equipment products is that for the thermal insulation requirements in summer, the benign influence of thermal conductivity is the main, and the negative influence of surface heat storage coefficient is the secondary.
    Therefore, as a result of comprehensive action, for buildings that do not use air conditioning and rely on natural cooling, the thermal insulation performance of aerated concrete is still slightly better than that of traditional building materials such as traditional clay brick and ordinary concrete.
  • Precautions for outdoor production of aerated block equipment
    If the air block equipment is produced outdoors, it is easy to withstand wind, rain and rust, affecting the service life of the air block equipment. Therefore, the maintenance and cleaning of the aerated block equipment will contribute to the normal operation of the aerated block equipment.
    1. Dust prevention measures. The production process of aerated block is prone to dust, which will not only corrode the surface of aeration equipment, but also expose the surface of aeration equipment in the open environment will also affect the internal performance of the equipment. Therefore, please pay attention to prevent dust.
    2. After using for a period of time, please note that the temperature of the air filling block equipment is too high. In case of any abnormality, please contact the manufacturer in time to check whether the nuts and other parts are loose. If it is loose, tighten it immediately. If it is seriously worn, lubricate the main parts regularly, clean the bearing regularly and replace it every two months.
    3. Clean the waste. When there is no production task, remove the remaining materials in the gas resistance equipment, especially in the mixer.
    4. Prevent rain and snow. Protective measures shall be taken in rainy days. Rainy and snowy weather will affect the operation of equipment and increase the humidity of raw materials. Long term immersion of raw materials in pneumatic block equipment will affect the quality of pneumatic block products. The weather is not conducive to the outdoor maintenance of pneumatic block products. Pay attention to the raw materials.
    After production, the equipment shall be covered to prevent rust due to rain. Usually, it shall be covered only with straw mat. It is recommended not to have too many production tasks in winter, and it is not recommended to store raw materials. Maintenance of the gas block equipment block is sufficient.
    When building the mortar of the inflatable block equipment, remember to select the special mortar with higher viscosity. The strength of the special mortar shall not be lower than M5, and ensure that the special mortar product has good water retention performance. Of course, if possible, you can choose the mortar for dry powder.
    To ensure that there are no cracks between the wall and the main structure due to temperature changes, remember to bury the reinforcement at the connection between the wall and the block. If the height or span of the wall is too large, beams and columns should be built in the middle of the wall.
  • Importance of high quality aerator equipment
    The service life of the equipment is also long, the cutting accuracy is high, the quality and shape of the products are also good, and the scrap rate is correspondingly low, so the price of the equipment is relatively low.
    1. High skill content. One of the key technologies of air making agent is to prepare it in proportion to several easily purchased materials to achieve the effect of building bricks in the atmosphere. The participation of two skill enhancers greatly reduces the amount of cement used, reduces the production cost, and allows the inflatable block to reach the strength of the autoclaved inflatable block.
    2. Wide sources of raw materials, high profit margin and low cost. Fly ash, slag, sand, aeolian sand, stone powder with low soil content and tailings sand are the main raw materials. On site, the production is high, the cost is low and the profit is large.
    3. The requirements for production conditions are not high. The difficult work shed can be used as a factory building, and the project can be stored outdoors. There are no warehouses, guest stores, and the nature of workers is not high.
    4. Easy operation. After physical refueling, gas forming agents and reinforcing agents are used to polymerize materials such as cement, fly ash and sand, which can be specially used for special equipment and mold molding without high-pressure sterilization.
    5. A wide range of technical applications. The mold can produce hollow blocks, thermal insulation bricks, light wall panels and thermal insulation panels, and can also be used as light concrete for the pouring of roof, wall, wall and floor heating.
    6. The investment can be large or small, and the production mode is flexible. It can start with a small amount of mold investment, direct large-scale production or manual production.
  • Maintenance of raw material processing part of aerating block equipment
    The aerating block equipment is a complete set of equipment. The device contains more. During use, pay attention to the maintenance of each equipment to ensure the quality of products. If the air filling block equipment is of good quality, it shall be properly maintained.
    The first is the maintenance of the raw material processing part of the aerating block equipment, which ensures the accuracy of the metering control system. Specific implementation method: the conventional symmetrical quantity system adopts weight verification to check whether each unloading valve is well sealed. If the height of the unloaded material and the bulk density fluctuate abnormally, it shall be rechecked immediately to ensure that the proportion of aerated concrete is correct. At the same time, keep the control room and each weighing control system clean. Maintenance and maintenance shall be carried out as planned to ensure the accuracy of the metering control system.
    2、 Maintenance of the mixer in the pulping process: clean the mixer regularly, replace the worn mixing blades in time after the maintenance of the mixer, ensure the integrity of the mixing paddle and accessories, and ensure the use of the mixing system. Normal to ensure the writing of the whole body.
    3、 Regularly check and repair the nursing room before static stay, so that all indicators can meet the pre feeding requirements of aerated concrete, and ensure the smooth progress of subsequent blank cutting and cooking process.
    4、 Maintenance of cutting machine: the blank is transported out of the pre protection room. The cutting machine can cut according to the required size. The shape and size of the turnover machine are flexible and diverse, realizing large-scale mechanized production. The running state of cutting machine directly affects the cutting dimensional accuracy and cutting effect. Therefore, the maintenance of cutting device, transmission device, wire positioning device and other equipment should be strengthened to find and correct the defects of the device.
    5、 Stability of blank operation process and track maintenance: aerated concrete without high-pressure sterilization has low strength. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure the stability of the transportation process in order to reduce the damage of the blank structure during transportation. So as to reduce the impact on product quality. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that the track in the transportation process is stable and free of sundries, and the lifting equipment and steering equipment can operate smoothly, such as the maintenance and repair of slings, driving wheels, guide wheels and other equipment.
    In short, the accuracy of measurement, the uniformity of mixing, the accuracy of cutting size, the stability of carcass operation and the continuity of production process are undoubtedly influential blocks in inflation. Block device. Therefore, the five key aspects of quality, understanding the maintenance of aerator equipment is an important way to improve quality.
  • What are the characteristics of conveyors in aerated concrete equipment
    The material handling machinery for conveying materials, also known as continuous conveyor, can carry out horizontal and inclined conveyor, and can also form a spatial transmission line. The transmission line is generally fixed, the conveyor has large transmission capacity and long transportation distance, and can also complete several process operations at the same time in the transmission process, so it is widely used.
    Aerated concrete equipment is a commonly used equipment, and its production line is also relatively long. The composition of this equipment mainly includes raw material treatment equipment, raw material metering equipment, material mixing and pouring equipment, cutting machine, autoclave, boiler, auxiliary equipment, etc., of which the conveyor is a part. The conveyor in the aerated concrete production line plays the role of conveying materials, This conveyor is indispensable in these equipment. Look at the use characteristics of the conveyor in these aerated concrete production line equipment. The currently produced conveyor has the advantages of large conveying capacity, simple structure, convenient maintenance and standardized parts. It is widely used in mining, metallurgy, coal and other departments, It is used to transport loose materials or finished articles. According to the transportation process requirements, it can be transported by a single set, or composed of multiple belt conveyors or other conveying machine tools to form a horizontal or inclined conveying system to meet the operation needs of different layout forms. The belt conveyor can be used in the range of ambient temperature - 20 ° C to + 40 ° C, and the temperature of transported materials is below 50 ° C.
    The aerated concrete conveyor is the driving device of the aerated concrete production line. Therefore, the use frequency is very high and the service life is very important. To select a good set of aerated concrete production line, it is necessary to select a good manufacturer of aerated concrete equipment, which can not only analyze the feasibility of putting users into production, And help users to build the basic plant and base and guide the installation, so as to ensure the smooth operation of the whole production line. The aerated concrete equipment will continue to develop to a large scale, expand the application scope of the conveyor, and make the structure of the conveyor meet the requirements of the automatic control of the material handling system for a single machine. And reduce the dust, noise and exhaust gas generated by various conveyors during operation.
  • It is unnecessary waste to replace the lubricant of aerated brick equipment in advance
    In order to maintain a stable boundary film on each friction surface, more lubricant is required. Therefore, with the extension of the service time of aerated brick equipment, the lubrication cycle is shortened accordingly. In addition, considering the changes of machine service conditions, such as excessive operating temperature, this will lead to lubricant loss.
    The replacement cycle required to replace the lubricant of the aerated brick equipment. Early replacement is an unnecessary waste. Later changes will affect the operation of the machine, increase wear and shorten service life. Generally, you can follow the instructions in the equipment manual. However, sometimes different types of lubricants are changed according to climate change (e.g. winter and summer); The oil quality can also be determined by regularly checking the oil quality. Only storing the lubricating medium before use can ensure that the inflatable block device is well lubricated.
    Therefore, the lubricating medium shall be properly stored before use, and attention shall be paid to prevent oxidation; Prevent water and other lime sand, rust and dirt from entering; Pay attention to the shelf life. The oxidative degradation of lubricating oil is also closely related to storage conditions. Therefore, under normal circumstances, lubricating oil should be stored indoors in a cool and dry place, and the bottle mouth should be sealed. It should also be noted that during storage, it is strictly prohibited to store lubricating media in wooden or paper containers.
    Next, enter the reversing block of the aerated brick equipment. Rotate the mold 90 degrees in air. This process is fully automated and needs our assistance. One side of the die becomes the base plate supporting the blank, which is only used to evaporate the finished product. Hanging trolley or cutting support to complete mold opening and demoulding. The removed mold frame and the returned aerobic side plate are reassembled into the mold again. After cleaning, inject oil and repeat two steps of pouring. Then cut the blank into six sides with a cutting machine.
    We do vertical cutting, longitudinal cutting, horizontal cutting, horizontal cutting and side cutting. After cutting, use the mobile machine and floor to move the blank to the steam cart. It is then added to the autoclave. The steam is heated in an autoclave and can be discharged after the steam is discharged. At this time, it has become a finished product. These finished products can be carefully stacked in shackles, or installed, packaged and transported away, and then the steam side plate can be folded back to complete all the work of the whole aerated brick equipment.
  • The aerated concrete equipment shall be regularly inspected and repaired before fixed
    The first is the maintenance of the raw material processing part of the aerated concrete equipment, which ensures the accuracy of the metering control system. Specific implementation method:
    1、 the traditional symmetrical quantity system uses weight verification to check whether each unloading valve is well sealed. If the unloading height and the bulk density fluctuate abnormally, it shall be rechecked immediately to ensure that the proportion of aerated concrete is correct. At the same time, keep the control room and each weighing control system clean. The maintenance of aerated concrete equipment shall be carried out as planned to ensure the accuracy of metering control system.
    2、 Maintenance of mixer in the pulping process: clean the mixer regularly. After the maintenance of the mixer, replace the worn mixing blades in time to ensure the integrity of the mixing paddle and accessories. Use a hybrid system. Normal to ensure the writing of the whole body.
    3、 Check and repair the nursing room regularly before fixed stay, so that all indicators can meet the pre feeding requirements of aerated concrete body, and ensure the smooth progress of subsequent blank cutting and cooking process.
    4、 Maintenance of cutting machine: transport the blank out of the pre protection room, and the cutting machine can cut as needed. The capping machine developed by the company has various shapes and accuracy, and can realize large size. Mechanized production scale. The working state of cutting machine directly affects the accuracy of cutting size and cutting effect. Therefore, the maintenance of cutting device, transmission device, wire positioning device and other equipment should be strengthened to find and correct the defects of the device.
    5、 Smoothness of billet operation process and track maintenance: the high pressure strength of aerated concrete equipment body is very low. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure the stability of the transportation process in order to reduce the damage of the blank structure during transportation. So as to reduce the impact on product quality. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that the track is stable and free of debris during transportation, and that the lifting equipment and steering equipment can operate smoothly, such as the maintenance and repair of slings, drive wheels, guide wheels and other equipment.
  • The edge damage of aerated concrete equipment blanks will greatly reduce product quality
      The edge damage of the aerated concrete equipment blanks will greatly reduce the product qualification rate and increase waste, summarize the reasons and pay attention to the production process according to the local situation to take appropriate measures.
      1. Uneven hardness of aerated concrete blanks will cause the rupture of aerated concrete blanks when cutting. When the strand is cut to the end of the blank in the longitudinal or horizontal direction, the end of the blank breaks because there is no support or no support; when the cutting line extends from the bottom to the top, the corner of the upper surface of the blank breaks.
      2. When the spreader turns the blank or moves up and down, the blank is knocked or squeezed and damaged. The die can also leak and the spent slurry can be used to plug the corners of the base plate or sprinkle some dry aerated crushed powder that adheres to the blank. However, these materials cannot be integrated with the raw stock. When cutting, they usually stick to the bed plate or are pushed away by the wire, thus damaging the edges and corners of the blank. Due to slurry leakage problems, some molds were clogged with waste slurry at the bottom corners or sprinkled with some dry aerated chips, which adhered to the raw stock. However, these materials cannot be integrated with the raw stock. When cutting, they usually adhere to the bed plate or are pushed away by the wire, thus damaging the edges and corners of the raw stock.
      3. During the demolding process, if the degree of mold opening is insufficient, it is likely to cause scratches on the sides and edges of the blank; if the crown is used for demolding, once the operation is unstable, the mold frame will shake and inevitably cause the scratching phenomenon of the raw blank; if the whole fixed mold frame is used, the raw blank may be damaged during demolding; in addition, if the humidity of the raw blank is too high, it is easy for the raw blank to stick to the mold frame, i.e., during the touch The upper corners of the billet will be damaged.
    Aerated concrete equipment
      Aerated concrete equipment needs to be fully inspected before pouring the mixer to the residue and water in the whole cylinder, and to check if each drive component or travel mechanism is flexible, and should check the timer and each valve during the inspection. Check the flexibility of the components to meet the standards. Next, it is necessary to check the condition of the mold and mold carriage rollers to ensure that the entire equipment is in good sealing condition and travels properly during operation. Throughout the process it is necessary to check that the initial equipment meets the technical requirements; it is also necessary to further understand the preparation of the primary pouring operation and the classification of raw material requirements and batches, and to implement the requirements and contingency measures implementation plans and techniques throughout the operation.
      Once again, this is the order of feeding and operational requirements for aerated concrete equipment: the feeding sequence usually follows the slurry material and water first, followed by the powdered material, i.e. the auxiliary material and the gas producing material. During the operation, the slurry material and water are put into the mixer. When it is about to be filled with all the material, it needs to be replenished with steam and then heated. Open the steam valve throughout the equipment to start the gas replenishment. Make sure to control the temperature of the equipment. And remove any condensate present in the steam line before steam needs to be introduced.
    Aerated concrete equipment
      Next, during the input of powdered material, the total amount of input should be controlled at 50% and the entire mixing time should be recorded. The time required for all inputs should be controlled and sampled. Consistency, proofreading the specific gravity of the water material to meet the standard requirements for correctness so that adjustments can be made. The mixing time should meet the requirements once the mold stand of the equipment is in place. Quickly add auxiliary materials and gas generators for reasonable mixing. The mixing time should be limited to 30s. Immediately after the operation is completed, the discharge valve is opened to the mold frame. Perform pouring and measure the pouring height immediately. After the whole set of equipment is poured, the relevant parameters should be filled in the process control card in time and the raw data should be recorded. Thereafter, it is necessary to regularly observe and record the gas escape. This is the main operating process mechanism outlined for the entire equipment.
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